“I have just read a touching email, that you published in your blog, from a student of yours expressing gratitude. This moved me to express mine, for I have been wanting to do this for quite a long time now and just been kind of shy.
I am now re-reading your book 'Keepers of the Soul', the one that inspired me at first time to come to
Some days ago a new patient came with very bad knees. She told me such a horrible story of her life that I decided to add the CV14 point just after AE drain on the first treatment, because I thought her spirit really needed some support. And, of course, I finished with her source points. After the treatment I told her that I was not sure if I could help her knees. She said that she was sure I could not help her knees, but she felt so much better in herself that she would come for treatments just for that. Again the truth that you teach, being honest with the patients only helps. And feeling better in themselves is sometimes all that patients really seek for.
I feel like I have found my place in five element acupuncture. I want to thank you and Guy very much for passing with such passion whatever you know to anyone, who wants to learn.”